BrassIca juncea Database

Characterized Genes Regulating Various Developmental and Stress Related Traits

Characterized genes of Brassica juncea regulating traits like abiotic stress, biotic stress, leaf development etc., obtained from literature mining.

Gene Symbol Gene Name Function Trait Detail Reference
AnnBj2 Annexin 2 Plays important roles in biotic and abiotic stresses Abiotic and biotic stress In Brassica juncea transgenic plants, the overexpression of AnnBj2 resulted in insensitivity to ABA and glucose, leading to enhanced salt tolerance. This was attributed to increased proline accumulation and the maintenance of ion homeostasis in the transgenic plants.
BjA01.FBN1b Fibrillin Facilitates carotenoid storage in Brassica yellow flowers. Flower BjA01.FBN1b encodes fibrillin which facilitates plastoglobulin synthesis and storage of xanthophyll esters into it.
BjA02.PC1 BjA02.PC1 BjPCs associate with fibrillin gene and maintain carotenoid level in yellow flower. Flower Enhances xanthophyll accumulation aiding carotenoid enriched plastoglobules accumulation and production of yellow pigments in Brassica flowers.
BjB04.PC2 BjB04.PC2 BjB04.PC2 along with BjFBN1b ensure accumulation of stable carotenoid in yellow flowers. Flower BjB04.PC2 elimination diverts metabolic flux to lipid synthesis instead of xanthophyll ester biosynthesis resulting white flowers.
BjB05.FBN1b Fibrillin Facilitates carotenoid storage in Brassica yellow flowers. Flower Overexpression enhances plastoglobulin synthesis and xanthophyll storage in yellow flowers.
BjCDR15 Cadmium-responsive gene Involved in cadmium tolerance. BjCdR15/TGA3 transcription factors regulate cadmium uptake by roots and in its transport from root to shoot Abiotic stress Constitutive overexpression of BjCdR15 resulted in increased cadmium accumulation in the shoot
BjCET1 Cation-efflux family gene Plays important role in heavy metal transportation and hyper accumulation. BjCET1 is membrane-localized efflux transporter. Abiotic stress BjCET1 expression is highly up-regulated under various heavy metal ion treatments, yeast mutants suggested that BjCET1 is involved in a broad-range metal stress tolerance.
BjCET2 Cation-efflux transporter Metal efflux transporter, regulates Zn/Cd accumulation. Higher expression in root and weakly expessed in stem and leaves Abiotic stress Upregulation of BjCET2 leads to an increase in tolerance of heaavy metals and Cd/Zn accumulation in the leaves
BjCHI1 Novel chitinase, with two chitin binding domains BjCHI1 promoter responds to both biotic and abiotic stimuli. Abiotic and biotic stress T/G-box (AACGTG) plays a role in methyl jasmonate mediated chitinase gene expression.
BjCLV1 Leucine-rich receptor-like protein kinase family protein Affects expression in carpel margin meristem (CMM) which led to trilocular silique formation Silique Deletion of cis-regulatory region affect BjCLV1 expression leads to increase in seed number per silique
BJDREB1B Dehydration responsive element binding protein gene Novel DREB, isolated from high salt-treated Brassica. BjDREB1B plays important roles in stress tolerance. Abiotic stress Upregulation of BjDREB1B resulted in drought and high salt tolerance in transgenic tobacco plants.
BjEXPA1 Expansin gene Encodes a cell wall protein of the alpha-subgroup of the expansin family Abiotic stress Tobacco seedlings transformed with the overexpressed BjEXPA1 exhibited a modified phenotype and increased susceptibility to cadmium stress.
BjHMGS1 3-Hydroxy-3-Methylglutaryl-CoA Synthase 1 Play important role in accumulation of human health promoting antioxidants Secondary metabolites Overexpression BjHMGS1 in tomato caused an accumulation α-tocopherol, carotenoid, squalene and phytosterol contents
Bjln1 Locule number Recessive gene determines high-locule-number trait Locule number Cloning of the Bjln1 gene used for developing multilocular varieties in B. juncea by marker-assisted selection and genetic engineering.
Bjmc1 CLAVATA1 (CLV1) gene homologue Set of molecular markers linked to the trilocular gene Locule number Insertion of a copia-LTR retrotransposable element 1 into coding region of Bjmc1 interrupts its transcription which leads to the trilocular phenotype
BjMYB113 MYB transcription factor Candidate gene controlling accumulation of anthocyanin in mustard leaves Leaf Upregulation in the MYB113a genes causes an increase in expression of anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway genes which leads to inncrease in accumulation in anothocynin in leaves.
BjMYB28 R2R3-MYB transcription factor family gene Involved in aliphatic glucosinolate biosynthesis Leaf; Seed Significant down-regulation of BjMYB28 through target gene silencing, reduce the glucosinolates in both leaves and seeds
BjPur Purple leaf color Increases anthocyanin accumulation in purple-leaf mustard Leaf A DNA sequence insertion in the first intron of BjPur in green leaves plant greatly reduce the transcription of BjPur in green leaves but transcript level of BjPur was signifcantly higher in leaves of purple leaves plants.
BjRf Male fertility restorer gene Controls cytoplasmic male fertility restoration Male fertility BjuA017917, a non pentatricopeptide repeat Rf gene was proposed as candidate gene for cytoplasmic male fertility restoration in B. juncea
BjSMT Selenocysteine methyltransferase Responsible for Organic selenium (Se), specifically Se-methylselenocysteine formation (MeSeCys) Abiotic stress Overexpression of BjSMT in transformed tobacco plants exhibited a notable accumulation of selenium in response to selenite stress. Additionally, these plants demonstrated a significant enhancement in the potential production of MeSeCys in their leaves
BjSWEET12 Sugar will eventually be exported transporter 12 BjSWEET12 is drought stress responsive gene. Abiotic stress In Brassica juncea, its expression increases during drought stress.
BjSWEET17 Sugar will eventually be exported transporter 17 Involved in drought stress. Abiotic stress Upregulation of BjSWEET17 enhance drought stress responses.
BjuCAT Catalase enzymes Crucial roles in major abiotic stresses Abiotic stress Promoter analysis in BjuCATs and BraCATs indicates the presence of cis-regulatory elements that respond to abiotic stress.
BjuWRKY71-1 WRKY71 transcription factor Regulates flowering time in B. juncea Flower Binds to promoter region of BjuSOC1 and upregulate its downstream genes regulating flowering time.
BjuWRR1 White rust resistance-conferring gene White rust caused by the oomycete pathogen Albugo candida, is a significant disease of crucifer crops including B. juncea Biotic stress Positional cloning and candidate gene approach used to identify candidate gene. BjuWRR1 is specific to Brassica lineage
BjYSL1 Yellow stripe-like gene BjYSL7 is involved in the transport of Cd and Ni from roots to shoots Abiotic stress BjYSL7-overexpressing plants have comparatively longer root lengths and higher concentration of Cd and Ni
CK2B1 Casein kinase Plays important role in swollen stem formation Stem CK2B1 affects swollen stem formation by regulating cell cycle. Silencing of CK2B1 gene expression block swollen stem formation.
FLD Flowering locus D Increase resistance of B. juncea to A. brassicae and S. sclerotiorum Flower; Biotic stress Overexpression in transgenic lines stimulate early flowering and increased seed yeild. Also enhances systemic resistance and reduce destruction resulted due to stress induced ROS.
G proteins Heterotrimeric G-proteins Regulate plant height, seed weight, silique size and pathogen response Plant height; Seed; Silique; Biotic stress RNAi based suppression of BjuGβ and BjuGƴ genes suggested involvement in plant height (BjuGβƴA2 and BjuGβƴC), seed weight (BjuGβGƴA1 and BjuGβGƴC), silique size (BjuGβGƴC) and pathogen response (BjuGβGƴA1 and BjuGβGƴC)
Gly Glyoxalase I Confer tolerance to multiple abiotic stresses Abiotic stress Expression of gly gene under the control of either a stress-inducible rd29A promoter or a constitutive CaMV 35S promoter showed enhanced tolerance to salinity
GSNOR S-nitrosoglutathione reductase Acts as NO homeostasis regulator Abiotic and biotic stress, Flowering GSNOR is involved in the regulation of plant development, tolerance to abiotic and biotic stresses, flowering, and regulation of GSNO and NO levels.
GTR1, 2 Glucosinolate transporters Components of the source to sink translocation network of glucosinolates. Biotic stress, Oil GTR1 and GTR2 silenced plants displayed variation in accumulation of glucocinolate among B. juncea tissues. GTR2 knockdown resulted in more resistance toward Spodoptera litura.
HDA9 A RPD3-like histone deacetylase Regulates flowering time in B. juncea Flower Controls flowering time by supressing expression of AGL19 and FT
MAPK Mitogen-activated protein kinase Work in defense signalling pathway against biotrophic fungi Albugo candida Biotic stress MAPK6 and MAPK3 signalling pathway work in a direct cascade for production of defense-related proteins. In transgenic Brassica juncea, overexpression of MAPK3 gene, resulted in the downregulation of MAPK4 expression.
MSH1 MutS Homolog 1 Mediates fertility reversion via substoichiometric shifting (SSS) of the CMS-associated mitochondrial Open Reading Frame 220 Fertility Supression in expression of MSH1 induce evidence of higher ORF220 SSS frequency. Expression of MSH in different sugar concentration showed carbon flux is an important factor for fertility reversion
MT1 Chickpea Metallothioneins Regulates homeostasis, detoxification, development processes and abiotic stresses. Abiotic stress In Brassica, overexpression of chickpea MT1 enhances drought tolerance by regulating biochemical and physiological processes.
MYR Myrosinase Involved in glucosinolate degradation Abiotic stress Upon Cd exposure on Brassica juncea plants, a significant increase in expression of sulfur assimilation enzymes, ATP sulfurylase (ATPS) and APS reductase in roots and leaves was observed, while MYR expression remained unaffected.
NPR1 Non-expressor of pathogen-related gene 1 Receptor of salicylic acid which regulate immune responses by activation of induced and systemic acquired resistance Biotic stress Transgenic lines overexpressing BjNPR1 exhibited enhanced resistance against Alternaria brassicae and Erysiphe cruciferarum as there was delayed onset of symptoms and a decrease in disease severity compared to non-transgenic plants
PAT1 Phytochrome A signal transduction 1 Regulates phytochrome A signal transduction in response to light Branching; Flower PAT1 physically interacts with CONSTANS-LIKE 13 and negatively regulates shoot branching and flowering
PR1 Pathogenesis-related gene 1, Systemic acquired resistance marker gene Biotic stress BjPR1 promoter induced on wound treatment in local tissue and hormone treatment shows BPR1 is predominantly salicylic acid-dependent
PR2 Pathogenesis-related Roles in plant disease resistance Biotic stress BjPR2 promoter is stress-inducible and tissue specific in nature. Transgenic lines showed age dependent and organ specific expression on fungal infection
RCO Reduced complexity Regulates lobed leaves synthesis Leaf BjRCO is involved in formation of lobed-leaf and overexpression can increase complexity of leaf margin.
Rfo Restorer line gene Reduces linkage drag, promotes good seed-setting and agronomic performance Male fertility Molecular marker-assisted selection and mapping of Rfo in B. juncea used to develop restorer line
RGS1 Regulator of G-protein signaling GTPase accelerating protein, which is important for the regulation of the G-protein cycle in plants. Development A total number of thirty BjuA.RGS1-interacting proteins are primarily associated with biosynthetic and signaling transduction processes
Rlm6 Resistance genes against Leptosphaeria maculans Candidate gene for blackleg resistance. Leptosphaeria maculans is the causal agent of blackleg. Biotic stress Cotyledon infection confirmed its role in blackleg resistance.
SOC1 Suppressor of overexpression of constans1 MADS-box type II transcription factor, promote flowering in angiosperms Flowering Downregulation of SOC1 impacts flowering time and number of lateral branches
XLG Extra large G- proteins Modulate host defence pathways in response to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum Biotic stress Downregulation of XLG gene disables host resistance mechanism to this necrotrophic pathogen.
ƴ-TMT ƴ-tocopherol methyl transferase gene Plays an important role in the alleviation of stress induced by salt, heavy metal and osmoticum Abiotic stress Overexpression of ƴ-TMT resulted in more conversion of ƴ-tocopherol to α-tocopherol which is associated with enhanced tolerance of the plants to various induced stresses and up-regulation of the efficiency of the photosynthetic machinery related to the higher α-tocopherol content

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